Don't Second-Guess Yourself...
It's the middle of a short week at work! One more day and we'll have another 4-day weekend ahead of us! What a difference in my workday too, now that the "boss from he**" is gone! It was nice and quiet today - most of the people working around me are out through the end of the year. The picture to the left is the shawl I made for my friend for Christmas (and my son's beagle!). I know she likes yellow, and this was made using a lovely shade of yellow yarn from Bernat. I really loved the look of the skein when I picked it up and thought that this would be the perfect project for it. I let someone talk me out of giving it to her though. I know that some folks have a hard time with wearables made from yellow yarn or fabric - the wrong shade of yellow can sometimes make you look sickly! I asked someone's opinion and the opinion was that it was "too much yellow" to be worn. So I grabbed a skein of green yarn and worked up another shawl. I felt s...