What a Good Day Today!

I'm going to start this off in a round-about way - bear with me. I'm making a short story long - LOL! j
We just installed laminate flooring in the last few weeks. While we were replacing the flooring, I decided to replace the worn out furniture as well. I found the perfect tables - one at Pier 1 to hold the cable box and Dvd player, and one to hold a lamp next to the sofa. But only one to hold a lamp - Home Goods only had one on the floor. If you aren't familiar with Home Goods (as well as TJ Maxx and Marshalls), they bring in truckloads of items, and don't keep stock in the back. Whatever they have is on the floor. I did not know this at the time. I bought the table and have been searching all three of the above-named stores for a twin over the last couple of weeks.

We discovered that the beagle dislikes sleeping on the bare laminate floors - he misses the carpeting. So I bought him a bed. The min pin we have has been trying to sneak naps on his bed and gets chased off. So I went to TJ Maxx this morning and bought him his own little bed. While there, I spotted an oval shaped table in the same shade of reddish wood as the single lamp table I bought. So on the off chance that Home Goods might have gotten a new shipment in, I went next door and found the twin to my table! Success!

My husband also located a long-forgotten gift certificate from Mealeys for $128 and change which was about to expire next week. It was a refund for a protection plan that I never needed to use. Found money - I ran out to Mealeys this morning and found the perfect replacement corner computer table. It only cost me $10 out of pocket. You can't beat that! I love it when things come together.

I've almost finished my shawl. It isn't photo-ready yet. I have flowers to sew on and ends to weave in. I will definitely take photos when it's finished, though.


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