
Showing posts from January, 2013

Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?

This is a video of my grandson "reading" this charming book.  I bought the book for him for Christmas - I'd never heard of it before, but it's become one of his favorites.  What a great idea!  The book has a simple rhyme and the windows that open let him know what the next line will be! I'd love to be able to write a children's book one day! Justin Reading

My New Year's Resolution - More Crochet!

I've made myself a promise to crochet more this year.  It calms me and makes me feel better about myself - I love taking a skein of yarn and turning it into something useful or pretty, or both! I've already started with a hat for my daughter-in-law and I'm making a second just like it.  I'll post a photo when it's finished.