
Showing posts from August, 2011

A WelcomeTo The Family - To Nicole

Below is the welcome speech I made at the wedding - I'm so happy to have Nicole as a daughter-in-law. I would like to say a few words on behalf of the family. Wayne and I did as every other parent does – we tried to raise our sons to be the best that they can be. We have loved and supported them, tried to guide them onto right paths, and hoped that they would grow to be kind, honest and caring men, capable of making the right decisions throughout their lives. I think that we’ve succeeded. We have a couple of great sons, and we are very proud of them both. On this, Dan’s wedding day, I hope that he can see how very proud we are . To my husband - I look back across the years and I remember what a good father you’ve been, Wayne. I see the benefits the boys have reaped from your love and affection. In fact, I see all your great qualities in Dan today. He has become the same wonderful person you are. I thank you for giving me these wonderful sons. I cannot tell you how...

It's Official!

Hurricane Irene be damned! We had a wedding in spite of her. What a wonderful day. Yes, we had rain, we had wind, and we had a fine time. I am so happy for my son and his wife. What a lovely couple they are. I wish them a long happy marriage filled with love, health and success!

Tomorrow's The Big Day

Tomorrow is my son's wedding day. He's marrying a beautiful young woman, mother to my grandson and we can't be happier. We may have a hurricane to deal with, but it won't ruin our day.

Just a Short Note...

I've been under the weather. Bronchitis and asthma has me feeling pretty low right now. I finished 4 projects for the grange fair, which is running right now. I think this is the first year I won't be able to make it there to see how my projects fared. I'll have to wait until Sunday when I pick them up. One week until my dear son and his fiancee are hitched - yippee! I sure hope I'm over this "bug" by then.