Snowstorm Fizzled

Well, another storm so badly forecast.  New Jersey declared a state of emergency ahead of the storm and apparently, they got as much snow as we did, which is about 3-4 inches on the ground.  Sorry for the people up north who did get hit hard.

According to my brother (who is a 911 supervisor in Pennsylvania),  the median salary in Philadelphia for meteorologists in over $98,000 and the median salary for 911 dispatchers is $43,000.  Guess which one has to be 100% right 100% of the time.  Doesn't seem fair, does it.

My grandsons were here to visit.  Nathan, 3 1/2 months old, is the sweetest baby.  His big brother is also the sweetest boy.  Justin was sledding down the hill out back.  He was sooooo cold when he came in - his cheeks were rosy red and his pants were wet from the snow.  He's hanging out here warming up while his clothes dry and his Pop-pop will take him home in a bit.

Making homemade chicken soup for dinner.  Can't wait until it's done.


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