March Snow Day and The Forever Pants

It was a snow day today! We got about 6-7 inches of snow overnight and into the morning drive time, so I took the day off from work. Hopefully, I'll be able to apply a vacation day to my day out. With 2 knee replacements, I've become very leery of venturing out in inclement snowy weather. If I were to fall, I don't know if I could get back up again! So we've had our "big" snowfall - not as big as expected, but it was postcard-pretty and now it can go away! Springtime - I'm ready!

I gathered up some nice pastel yarns and put together a small round ripple doll-sized blanket. I promised some for my friend's granddaughters. I like the color combinations, so I may use the same colors in different patterns to make the other two I need to finish. The colors I used are all RH Super Saver colors - pale yellow, pale green, pale plum and light blue.

And the forever pants - well, I buckled down and worked on them today, too. I spoke to DS Dan the other day and told him that I had been working on pants for the baby, but that I wasn't sure if I was going to finish them. He encouraged me to keep working on them, and he said that maybe Justin would be able to wear them for Easter! So here is the progress I've made on them so far: they now have one and a half legs.

I hope to add a few more rows to them this evening. Once the legs are finished, it's just a matter of making the button and buttonhole rows up the legs. They unbutton all the way up the inside of the legs and crotch for easy diaper changes. I'm happy with the progress I've made today - they don't seem quite so daunting now.

Dinner was baked chicken with potatoes, gravy and green beans. The dogs heard the can opener as I prepared the vegetables and went crazy! They love canned vegetables! So I had to open a can of green beans for them too. I usually buy the no salt added carrots or beans for them. They get veggies mixed with their dog food several times a week, and they eat the veggies first! Sometimes I'll add canned pumpkin to their kibble too.

You will notice that I've added a new gadget to my blog. It's a donor drive locator button. I signed up today on the National Bone Marrow Donor Registry. My dear SIL Gloria has been afflicted with leukemia and is undergoing treatments, but really needs a bone marrow transplant. Her blood siblings have been tested and none are a match. In fact, they haven't been able to locate a donor inside the US and will need to start checking registries outside the US to find a donor. I've signed up for her sake. I should be receiving a test kit in a few days. It involves nothing more than cheek swabs that you send back for testing. Simple enough.

If I am a match for her, that would be wonderful. If not for her, perhaps I'll be a match for someone else.


  1. The blanket colors are lovely! As for your dogs-- that has got to be so cute-- seeing them come running for their veggies!


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