Blue Mood on a Rainy Thursday

We got sad news on Wednesday. DS Dan's GF's grandmother passed away. I only met her twice, but she was truly a lovely lady. She was friendly and funny and we had a nice visit with her at her daughter's home at Christmas. She must have been ill for a long time. I am so sad for Nicole and her family. Having just lost my dad a year ago, I know what they are going through. I pray that they find comfort and wish for them lots of joyful memories of her life and their love for her.

I didn't bring the sweetheart ripple afghan to work today. Instead I brought in a large skein of Bernat Shimmer yarn and with an E hook, started fashioning an evening gown for my great-niece's Barbie doll. I was working without a pattern, trying again and again to get it to look like a gown. It's almost finished. I need to sew on snaps or velcro to close it in the back, and I also want to check Joann's for s little bit of fabric to line it. It is a little see-through... Yikes! R-rated Barbie! But I'm proud of the way it turned out. Not bad for no pattern, when I've never really made doll clothes before.

Tomorrow is Friday - TGIF!


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