My Progress On The Giraffe-ghan? Sew-Sew...

I had plans to have the giraffe-ghan finished this weekend. It didn't happen. I did finish the two giraffes and sewed their spots on. All that was left was to sew them to the blanket and crochet two clouds to be sewn on as well. But it was a busy weekend, nonetheless.

On Saturday, I met a couple of my sisters at my Dad's house and we did some more clearing out. I was late arriving, and my sisters had made a lot of headway before I got there. My job was shredding. My dad kept every document he ever received, I think. We found papers dating back 45 years. I even found papers older than that - "cheat sheets" from the US Army for their soldiers with various phrases in English and their Japanese translations. Those I kept. But I resolved to turn over a new leaf and not let my paperwork pile up for my kids to shred one day, and the first thing I did when I got home was to go through my junk mail and shred it!

Sunday - again, I didn't pick up the afghan until late in the evening. But I had a good excuse. My little grandson Justin came to play! I babysat with him this afternoon while my DS Dan was good enough to mow the lawn for me. The baby is soooooo cute! I just love him to pieces.

This evening, however, I did sew the smaller giraffe to the blanket and crocheted one cloud and attached that as well. I improvised my own cloud design. I like the way it turned out and will work another one using the same method. I sewed it on in a way meant to make it look rather puffy. There will be an adult giraffe on the other side of the tree and a larger cloud in the sky above the baby giraffe. I will pick up the crochet hook once more before I turn in and start the second cloud. This will be finished in a couple of days. After the remaining pieces are crocheted and attached, I will just need to add the single crochet border around the green section of the blanket and add fringe to top and bottom.

Back to crocheting and the movie "Hancock".


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