Closing in on the Weekend

I've decided to give up chocolate candy for Lent. Lately, I've been craving chocolate candy, and making lots of trips to the vending machine for chocolate. So giving that up seemed like a good move. I've been put to the test already! On my morning stop at the Wawa on Ash Wednesday, the Zitners Butter Krak eggs were on prominent display all over the store! I mean all over! They were at the registers, they were at the coffee machines - everywhere I turned I saw Butter Krak eggs - my favorite of all time!
I did pass them up...this time. LOL!

I didn't leave much of a post about my grandson's visit to work on Wednesday. I was so tired on Wednesday when I got home that I dozed off on the couch before 7:00 PM! I woke up around midnight and then slept fitfully the rest of the night. I did not want to come to work today, but made myself get ready anyway. I could have just put my head down on the desk and dozed off.

My "playdate" with my grandson went well. I'm so glad the kids were able to bring him over. I've been showing everyone photos and talking about the baby constantly. I'm glad they got to meet him in person. Not that he was much in the mood to greet everyone. He was sound asleep when they arrived, and never really woke up even though he was handed from person to person. He weighs over 11 pounds now at 6 weeks of age, and he gets heavy when you stand and hold him for a while! I forgot to give them the bib I made for him the other day.

I'm waiting patiently to hear if either one of my patterns will be published in the Crochet Pattern-a-Day calendar. I sent two, but I'm not sure the toddler's poncho pattern will be published. I think they prefer that you send clothing patterns with a range of sizes, and this was only written with one set of directions. I don't think they list the selections for next year's calendar until April...that seems so far off. But considering that it's almost the end of February already, the year is flying by.

I bought some interesting yarn during the summer while I was out of work. I ordered it online when it was on clearance. It's called Beadies. I think that I might try to work up a necklace or bracelet using this yarn. When I have one made, I'll post photos.

Made a little more progress on the baby's pants. I would have gotten a little farther on them yesterday at lunch, but I left the pattern book at home. I brought it today, though, so I am working on the pantlegs now.

My order from Annie's Attic arrived, with 5 new pattern booklets and sheets that I can't wait to try out. I have a severe case of PAS - Pattern Acquisition Syndrome. I would have to live to 150, and still not have enough time to make everything that I have patterns for. There is always the "someday" pattern - someday I'll try that one! One of the booklets I purchased was to make fashion doll items. I was playing Barbies with my great-niece a couple of weeks ago, and promised her that I would make some Barbie clothes for her. Annie's Attic has a booklet listed on their website, with furniture patterns as well as doll clothes. Some of the evening gowns shown in the book are beautiful! So that is not a "someday" pattern - I can't let a little girl down! I promised her Barbie clothes, so I must make Barbie clothes! In all honesty, I think this spring I will have to go through my pattern stash and weed out the "somedays" that aren't as important to me as they used to be. My loss will be someone else's gain - we are planning a yard sale for sometime in the spring.

I wish someone had told me about this link before we left for the Florida Keys. I didn't know there was a web cam on Duval Street. Gladys and I were up and down Duval when we were there. Had we known about the webcam, we could have stood in front of it and waved to Gladys' sister Gloria!


  1. LOL ...PAS ,I like that I think that i should be diagnosed with PAS too ;)


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