Thursday Evening News

My son and his girlfriend had their baby's ultrasound appointment today. It is a boy! The blue and white afghan I made was the right choice. I asked if they are discussing names yet, and Dan said they are, but didn't fill me in on any of their ideas. I remember how excited I was when we were expecting Dan. I leafed through baby name books, trying out all sorts of first and middle name combinations. I almost named him Chad. I am very happy for Dan and Nicole, and excited to have a new little one in the family. We can't wait!

I got a call from someone at work today. She was calling to let me know that she is resigning, and her last day will be in two weeks. I'm saddened to hear that she is leaving. She has been kind and supportive to me since she started working for the company, and I felt as though she understood some of what I went through while working for the previous boss - a waking nightmare. I feel like I'm going to be back on a shaky foundation again when I return to work, and my only ally will be gone. I must remember to send her a thank you note for her kindness, and wish her the best of luck in her new position.

My younger son Tom helped me out quite a bit today, walking all the way to the drugstore and back for me and helping to make dinner. He's a good kid - I'm lucky to have two good sons. My lower back is giving me a lot of problems in the last two days and I needed 30 minutes to figure out a way to roll out of bed this morning. Yikes! I'm a little more comfortable right now, and have been applying heat occasionally to my back and it seems to be helping.

The three dogs are anxiously awaiting Wayne's arrival home. They sure love him!


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