A WelcomeTo The Family - To Nicole

Below is the welcome speech I made at the wedding - I'm so happy to have Nicole as a daughter-in-law.

I would like to say a few words on behalf of the family.
Wayne and I did as every other parent does – we tried to raise our sons to be the best that they can be. We have loved and supported them, tried to guide them onto right paths, and hoped that they would grow to be kind, honest and caring men, capable of making the right decisions throughout their lives. I think that we’ve succeeded. We have a couple of great sons, and we are very proud of them both. On this, Dan’s wedding day, I hope that he can see how very proud we are .
To my husband - I look back across the years and I remember what a good father you’ve been, Wayne. I see the benefits the boys have reaped from your love and affection. In fact, I see all your great qualities in Dan today. He has become the same wonderful person you are. I thank you for giving me these wonderful sons.
I cannot tell you how pleased we are that Dan found someone to love and spend his life with – someone who shares the same wonderful qualities as Dan. Nicole is a beautiful young woman, with a sweet, generous and loving nature. We have come to love her and we welcome her into our family. I am so moved when I see her with Dan and Justin – what a beautiful family they are. I thank her for our darling grandson, the sunshine in our lives. And we bless her for bringing along such a delightful extended family. Jeanann, Nick, June, Michele, Chris, aunts, uncles and cousins – all of you are welcomed into our family. But be forewarned – our family tree does have a few nuts on it.
Jeanann and Nick – you’ve obviously done a terrific job as parents – we can see it reflected in your children. I sincerely hope that you don’t mind if I call Nicole my daughter as well as my daughter-in-law. I love my boys but I’ve always wanted a girl!
Dan and Nicole We certainly wish you a long and happy marriage. As much as we would like it to be perfect for you, be prepared for a rough spot or two. Just have the wisdom to lean on one another for strength, and trust that all will work out for the best. Believe in God and know that he will take care of you. Believe in each other. Always remember the things that made you fall in love with each other. Continue to be the wonderful parents you are to Justin – you are already off to a great start. You are lucky to have him and he is lucky to have you!
Please raise a glass to Dan and Nicole and let us wish them a long happy life, filled with love, happiness, health and success!


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