Days 8 and 9

Day 8 is a quiet day at sea. Time to rest and relax after visiting 6 islands. I’ll take a few minutes to tell you about our dinner companions. We were fortunate with our seating assignment this time. We have 2 ladies traveling independently – Susan from Alabama and Mel from Alberta, Canada. Mel has been having fun participating in a lot of the ship activities, especially scrapbooking. Susan takes the adventurous excursions, like zip-lining.
Chris and Peter are a married couple from the UK, together for 46 years. They are a delightful pair and have been trading grandchildren stories with Wayne and me.
The food on the cruise has been great. I think Wayne has had escargots for appetizers every night. The few times we’ve eaten at the buffet for lunch or breakfast has been fine as well.
Day 9
Curacao is just beautiful! Bright colored houses everywhere. Wayne had a diving excursion planned here with the Dive Bus. I went along for the ride, and intended to hang out on the public beach across the street from the dive shop. It really wasn’t much of a beach. I’m wishing now that I had taken an excursion with the ship instead. I thought it was going to be a relaxing beach, but the ground was so hard and rocky, you couldn’t lie down on it on a towel to get some sun. I sat for a while reading my Kindle until a local kid stopped and asked me what the Kindle was. I explained about e-readers and then he asked me to find Jesus on the Kindle. He went on to tell me that he had Jesus inside him, and I agreed that we all have Jesus inside us. He gave me a blessing and then showed me the “national plant” tattooed on his chest. Marijuana. OOOOOooo-kay…
Headed across the road to await Wayne’s return there.
Curacao is certainly a place I would like to visit again, and Wayne said the diving there was spectacular.

I'll be back with photos as soon as I can.


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