Dedicated to Husband, Sons, Brothers and Sisters...

Certain aspects of my life handed me a lot of lemons over the past 5 years and I lost my recipe for lemonade. I sank to depths I don’t want to see again. But this is going to be a big year for me – I’m feeling so much better.

Tomorrow I will be taking my first flying lesson. It’s an introductory lesson, and if I like it, I hope to pursue a private pilot certificate. I am looking forward to it and hope to have some pictures, or even video footage of my adventure. Check back on Sunday to see how it all went! Wish me luck!

This is also my 30th wedding anniversary year – the actual anniversary doesn’t come until later this year. My husband and I are splurging and celebrating with an 11-night cruise in the Caribbean. I love cruising and we’ve done a 4 night (our first cruise) and some 7-night trips since then. This will be our longest cruise to date and the acid test of our relationship. Will we still be able to stand one another after 11 nights at sea? LOL! I don’t see why not – DH will be scuba diving some days and I’ll be free to go to the spa or spend time on a beach. Will a 7-night cruise ever be long enough for us again? Seriously, I have to say that my DH is the most wonderful person and has stuck with me through thick and thin. I thank God for him.

I have also decided to go back to school. I am a high school graduate who decided at the ripe old age of – well, you don’t really need the gory details, do you? Anyway, 5 years or so ago I made up my mind to pursue at least an associates degree, and to see where I could go from there. I attended 1 class per semester for exactly 4 semesters. Then bad times set in and everything good in my life seemed to disappear from view. It’s been a long haul, but with family and friends supporting me, and excellent medical treatment, I feel I’m back on track. So it’s off to school we go. The last class I took was an online class, which I really enjoyed. No running back and forth to the campus – the ease of studying in my own home and at my own pace really worked for me. So I’m picking up where I left off, and taking advantage of tuition reimbursement through my job to try to finish this degree with as many online sessions as I can manage. I know I’ve only got 4 classes in so far, but my GPA is a 3.875! Wish me luck again!

Life is good!


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