Have a Blessed Easter!

It's a little after midnight, official Easter Sunday. Have a wonderful holiday!

Yesterday I received a gift in the mail that I bought myself with the last of the balance on an Amazon gift card. It was a bread machine. I haven't had one for a long time. I tried out one of those boxed bread mixes this morning...a little flat and the top looked like hills and valleys. Disappointing. The second loaf of bread I made this evening hoping it would turn out better. It's a gift for my friend for Easter.
This one was made from "scratch" using a recipe from the booklet that came with the machine. Ahhhh - much better.


  1. Oh it looks delicious, and who doesn't LOVE the smell of fresh baked bread! When I had my machine, I loved making raisin breads, and Dear Son loved EATING them! Then the breads stopped coming out right, for some reason, and I ended up throwing the machine out. I have to either get a new machine, or find a recipe for raisin bread that I can just bake in the regular oven... Anyways, Happy Easter Jeannie! Whatever you're doing today, I hope you're enjoying every minute of it! ((hugs)) ~tina


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