Mystery Destination Was...

The Poconos! The surprise was blown (at least to my thinking) when I turned on the GPS to start out our trip. Up pops the address! Of course, it didn't tell DH where we were staying but it did tell him we were headed for East Stroudsburg PA! Dang! He was thinking we were headed for the Jersey shore. Then the GPS took us on a trip! I thought it would put us on the PA turnpike, taking the northeast extension. Wrong! It actually sent us up the NJ side of the Delaware River. So it was an adventure for both of us.

We stayed at the Fernwood Hotel and Resort. I'd read excellent reviews and also some very bad reviews on the place. I was hesitant to book it, but it was the most reasonably priced lodging with availability on such short notice. There were restaurants on the grounds and lots to do in the resort and the surrounding area. We arrived at 10:00 pm on Friday to discover that the king accommodations we reserved in the hotel proper were not available, due to service problems. So they gave us a villa (a condo with a queen-sized bed, sofa and dinette set and partial kitchenette). HUGE bathroom with whirlpool tub and full-sized shower. Gigantic walk-in closet with plenty of room to stow your baggage. Very nice - I was quite pleased.

We visited the Mount Airy Casino on Saturday morning, did some shopping at the Outlet stores in Tannersville and did some sightseeing. It was a great weekend.

On the way home we stopped at the Delaware Water Gap Scenic stop. My husband pointed out the area where he and his dive shop friends were scuba diving in the Delaware. It was a lovely view there.

I think that I wouldn't mind staying at this resort again. I also would plan another mystery weekend. It was nice to get away.

I picked up a crochet book while on my trip - a book with 15 patterns for crocheted purses and bags of varying sorts. I will offer it as a prize to someone who takes the time to post a comment. I will choose a random winner on September 13. Consider it a little "thank you" for reading my little blog!


  1. wow, Sounds like a wonderful weekend. I have relatives that live in Pa. A matter of fact all my relatives live there. My husband worked for a short period of time in the Pocono's. That was back in 1988. Long time ago.
    I love the idea of a surprise weekend.
    Take care

  2. Lucky Lucky Lucky! Sounds like you shared a beautiful weekend! :)

  3. Hi Jeannie! Please do count me in for your drawing!! New purse patterns sound like fun to me!... I'm so glad to hear you had a nice weekend! ~tina

  4. Wow!!! A Villa! And to top that off, IN THE POCONOS! And to top off the TOP, you had a WHIRLPOOL TUB!!!

    Now I call that a wonderful weekend getaway !!!

    ~ Susan

  5. How nice! Hope you came back refreshed and relaxed!

  6. Oh, that looks WONDERFUL! Looks so refreshing...everything that Almost Mexico, AZ is NOT.


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