Saturday and a Small Crochet Project - Something for Me!

Well, I've been through numerous pattern books and I've decided on a small item for me that doesn't require a pattern. It's been soooooo cold lately and I'm running around without a hat. So my new crochet project will be something to keep my ears warm - a simple band done in the back loop of each stitch only. I have some nice Red Heart SS Dark Thyme yarn and an H hook (my favorites - the bamboo handled ones from Susan Bates). It's a simple 10 stitches wide, and each row is single crocheted in the back loop only. Once it's the size I need to fit my noggin, I stitch one end to the other. It's really all I need, as I tend to get earaches in very cold weather. To make - ch 11, sc in second ch from hook and each ch across - 10 stitches. Then turn, ch 1, sc in each sc across in the back loop only. Repeat this row until it is long enough to fit your head snugly, then finish off - I made this one 57 rows long. Sew the short ends together and weave in the ends, and you've got a nice little band to keep you warm!

DH and I traveled upstate on New Year's Day to visit his siblings. We had lunch with one SIL, visited with another SIL on the way back to stay overnight with the third SIL. BIL stopped up to visit on the morning of the second, before we headed home. It was nice to be able to see everyone. It was extremely cold, hence the need for some headwear to keep the ears warm - LOL! I should fashion some mittens too. I had bought myself a pair of gloves before Christmas, but ended up gifting them to my son's sweet girlfriend.

I made a pot of homemade vegetable soup yesterday, using the left-over ham. It was delicious, and we are using the last of it today.

My fish are doing well. I'm surprised that all of the fish rescued from the "Great Aquarium Collapse" have survived. Two of them are gouramis, and so are capable of breathing air. I was sure they would make it. But a swordtail and a skirted tetra were questionable in their temporary quarters in a large plastic bowl. The tetra in fact kept listing to the side and I was sure he would be a goner by the end of Christmas day. But he is quite healthy and happy in his new home - a 5 gallon acrylic hexagon aquarium - back on the coffee table. This time, I had my husband use his brand-new level to make sure that things were going to be even enough to support the little tank. In the photo you can see one of the gouramis and the swordtail (looks like two - just a reflection), the skirted tetra to the side, and at the bottom right is a white betta, new to the neighborhood. The other gourami is hiding.

I do believe our beagle thinks the Christmas tree has been up long enough. He's been a one-dog dismantling crew, removing ornaments anywhere he can reach them. He carries them off and chews on them. Luckily, I keep indestructible ornaments, no glass or fragile items. I have a lot of home-made ornaments on the tree, some crocheted by me and some made by my older sister, who does fabulous things with plastic canvas and yarn. I manage to catch the beagley-boy before he does any damage to his contraband. He's too funny!

Not much on TV tonight - I'm not a football fan, so maybe I'll pop a movie in the DVD player. Good night, all!


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