Comparing Face Ornaments

Well, I've taken photos of the face ornaments again. The elf has had his eyes moved closer together. I think I like the look better.

The snowman has bigger eyes. A little too big, compared to the "too small" before. I think I'm going to order the 9mm size, in between, to see how they work out.

So my vote is elf eyes closer, and snowman eyes in a size in between the smaller and larger sizes.

I hope to have quite a few of these made up for Christmas gift giving this year.


  1. Those are too cute!!!!Look great on a tree!! WTG PHILLIES!Glad to see that they won! Sorry to hear that your family has gotten the bug! never heard of potpie soup!But boy does that soup look good!!
    Hope that you and DH get to feeling better soon!craziebunny@the ville

  2. I lik eboth sets actually. I can't decide, you've done a good job on them. So cute!


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