I Love Weekends...

I had a pretty busy day yesterday. Wayne and I ran a few errands in the morning. One of those was to join the Y. Wayne's been going to the Y for a while, but I decided it's time for me to join as well. I've been losing weight (yay!) but need to tone up. The Y is offering water fitness classes which I know would help me.

I went to the store to pick up something nice to wear to a party in honor of 3 of Wayne's scuba companions who just passed their divemaster courses. We had a very nice time, viewed some of the photos they've taken on our Florida trip and on past dives to the Caribbean. The photos were fantastic. It made me wish that one day I'd be able to take part in the sport. I don't think so, though. I'll settle for snorkeling for now. If only I were more comfortable in the water...

I'll be working on some crocheting this afternoon. I have a baby blanket to finish. I just finished off a small round ripple which I'll add to the collection for donation to a NICU. I'll also check out Crochetville a little later to see what's up there. I really need to thin out my stash of yarn. It's mostly in the attic where I can't access it and it doesn't do anyone any good there. I wonder if I should yard sale it? The ideal solution would be to quit my job and really crochet 24/7! Ideal for me, but not for the husband, kids and the electric company, telephone company, insurance people...


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