
A Most Amazing Woman

I want to tell you about someone very special.  I didn't know her extremely well, and I only met her a few times.  She is my daughter-in-law's beloved aunt, and she passed away on October 1, 2013. Suzanne was  diagnosed with breast cancer almost 7 years ago.  She faced round after round of chemotherapy (18 in all, I understand) and numerous radiation sessions as well.  I only met her a few years ago, after her diagnosis.  Her determination to beat the cancer was impressive.  The people around her supported her and she was something different to each person.  She was a warrior, even though she didn't belong to any branch of the military.  She was a teacher, without a degree in education.  She was a hero, but she didn't belong to a fire or police department.  She was determined that she would beat the cancer, not the other way around.  She astounded doctors with her strength and resilience. I am one of the people she taught, though I was not a student in a class.  She

Another Grange Fair Come and Gone

And I almost missed it. I have not been keeping up with my crocheting lately, with all of the upheaval at work. So realizing that the fair was just around the corner, I made a mad dash for my spare room to go through this year's crocheted items. Some I was holding to send to a NICU. I entered a round ripple blanket, a cup cozy (my own design, the diver down flag), a hat, a ruffled scarf, and a crocheted doll. I am happy to say that I received 2 ribbons this year. A first place for a blonde haired doll and a third place ribbon for a crocheted hat. Pictures to follow.  I have my hands full at this time. I signed up for another online course and hope to be employed long enough to finish the class and get reimbursed through work for my tuition. I am taking a course called Introduction to Psychology. I've started reading the textbook and it's interesting. Not like the business class I took last time - B-O-R-I-N-G!  My poor little dog isn't leaving my side. He

I LOVE My Kindle!

I've been doing a lot of reading lately.  I am hooked on author L.L. Bartlett.  I've read the Jeff Resnick mystery series, starting with Murder On The Mind (all written by Ms. Bartlett).  I recommend them if you are a mystery lover like me. I am going into my second month working on the assembly line, after being displaced from my job as an HR Coordinator.  I was told, when I returned to work from disability, that the department is being "restructured" and my job no longer existed.  However, there is somebody sitting in my chair and doing my job every day in my former cubicle.  Hmmmm... But my days lately are good - I'm feeling strong and standing up for myself.  I may have more to say later but at this point I can't divulge any more info. Life is good...

My Best Friend

This is my best friend. He is always at my side. He knows when I'm sad and need a little extra attention. He loves me unconditionally. No, let me qualify that. He is my best 4-legged friend. My husband fills all the qualifications above too.

Been Away From It All - Without Leaving the House

I haven't blogged in forever.  I've had some trouble with dizziness and other problems.  Found out what the cause is - happy because I was starting to think I was nuts.  My crocheting fell by the wayside because I took a tumble that pulled the muscles in my chest and kept me from using my arms for several weeks. Hope to be recovered very soon. Aren't these shoes a hoot?  I wish something like this was real - I'd buy them just for the novelty of it! My grandson is growing so much! I can't believe he is 4 already. He makes me smile! He is very into the Nintendo DS and playing Mario Bros. He went to the park the other day with his grandfather, and told me that "Pop Pop was Mario, and he was Luigi". So cute! I hope to have some new projects on the hook in the near future. Will get back to updating on a regular basis. Hope all of you are well and happy!!

Designed by Special Request

The owner of a dive shop asked me if I could make a cup cozy with the diver down flag logo on it. After a couple of tries, I came up with this.  If she likes it, she may put them up for sale in  her dive shop.

Happy Easter!

I hope that everyone is celebrating with loved ones today. I have been asked to design something and I've been working on it very hard.  To do it in tapestry crochet wasn't giving me the results I had in mind, and working it on a diagonal wasn't doing it either.  I'm going to have to give the project more thought. I put together some sea friends this weekend.  I have ideas for more.  Doing them on the fly without a pattern.